
Grand Openner

so....I guess this makes my 1st official blog post....I tried this once before and later gave up....this was with a xanga page...remember that site anyone?

Anyways, I was told that I should start up a blog (by my wonderful girlfriend Ileana!) but I figured whatever happened in my day wasn't all the interesting for others to read about. Then she gave me a top 10 list of why I should...and so I'm here.

Shout outs to my boo for the dope picture of my butt....its like an advertisment for rapzilla.com which is the dopest Christian hip hop website ever...

Well I believe a good opener would be a post I posted on facebook...it was a random list of 25 things about me soooo enjoy your butts off!

1) I am in love with the most wonderful woman ever and my best friend! :)

2) I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri...North County to be exact, Hazelwood (where I officially live), Ferguson, Florissant, Berkley aka Berk City, Calverton Park….am I missing anything lol

3) I have a problem with procrastination and having a lot of thing on my plate

4) I received my 1st kiss back in 1st grade by a girl by the name of Shakisha, it was during a bathroom break and we met halfway lol

5) I’ve attend Christian schools my whole life……Pre-School (non-denominational), K-5 (non-denominational), 6-12 (Nazarene), College (Assemblies of God)….oh andI was raised C.O.G.I.C (Church of God in Christ)

6) I believe I have a mild case of OCD which sucks cause I do Video and I leave edits alone until they are perfect…and I’m a perfectionist

7) My dad is to blame when it comes to my love for photography, video, and djing. My dad was a dj (and still is) back in the day djing at clubs and various venues. Our basement is vinyl heaven! He was also into painting and photography. So growing up I always had developed an eye for photography when later brought me into video.

8) I love roller skating and have done it since I was 10 and 11…crazy leg and all! I learned how to skate at a place called The Palace. They had a summer camp there to which I attend for 2 or 3 years and skating was pretty much all we did. And on dead days to where we really had nothing to do I djed

9) I said my 1st curse word when I was 11. I was in line for kick ball and this fat kid jumped in front of me….I won’t type out the sentence but I said the ‘A’ word.

10) I was pretty much the all-star kid growing up, I played the following sports: Track, Football, Baseball, Bowling, Basketball, Soccer….and I’m equally good at all of those :/ I wish I just stuck with one thing and be good at that…that probably explains a lot of how I am now…interesting….

11) I got into my 1st fight (prolly my only fight) at football practice. Some guy who I didn’t care for very much kept talking to me during huddle while coach was talking (he was prolly the meanest coach ever). He heard him talking to me after I told him to shut up and coach made us run a lap…it was actually 3 of us. So midway in the lap he starts taunting me and what not and I got sick of his mouth, so while we were running I punched him. It wasn’t the greatest fight cause we had our pads and helmets on. So coach saw us across the way after we took each other to the ground and brought us back to the field to do a drill to take our anger out on each other. What a drill that was.

12) I nagged the crap out of my sister when I was younger, we are 11 years apart…my was my only job in life at the time

13) ‘dash’ is part of my middle name

14) I don’t think I taken seriously sometimes

15) I’d had the strongest craving for Jack in a Box for several months…I hate Florida!

16) I once chased a neighborhood bully for 30 mins several time around my block on my bike with a large stick..he was on foot…it was quite an interesting story…

17) I stared in a commercial when I was a young babe for Blue Cross Blue Shield

18) I won a local and national award for a film I shot….came up with the idea Friday night, Saturday: location scouted, got talent and materials, and shot all the scenes, Sunday I edited video and audio and had my roommate screen it, and Monday I turned it in…..yea it was alotta work for the weekend

19) I have a hard time believing in myself and my abilities….this is prolly one of the main things in my life I’m trying to get rid of

20) I actually like watching HGTV for fun (see #21), prolly one of the best things to watch when it come to editing techniques…at least for me it is

21) I really wanted to become an architect but I hated math and I can’t draw that well

22) If I wasn’t into broadcasting and photography I would’ve been into marketing….I guess I could still do it…marketing in advertising hmmm, all isn’t lost after all

23) I played the lottery when I was 12 and won…..$2

24) I once wasted an entire day watching videos on youtube. The only time I got up was to go to the bathroom and to get food

25) apparently my favorite phrase is “Wow!” ….it has so many meanings to it

1 comment:

  1. you had me at *List. smart girl you have there:)
