
dashing devo001: "I heard God's voice...and did nothing"

“Brandon!” is the voice I heard screaming from the other room. I knew what the voice meant….I mean, I only heard that name or a similar phrase about for the 7th or 8th time so far already. At this time, I’m usually still doing what I’ve been doing with that nagging voice in the background reminding me of something I already know I had to do…but I ignore it--well…not completely, I may respond with a, “Yea I know” or a “Ok Mom I will”. I remember growing up in a house where my family was notorious for yelling across the house if we needed something. My dad hated it….that’s probably why we invested in intercom system feature on our cordless phone. But no intercom system would express the anger and frustration of this voice that made picture frames shake and glasses and cup rattle of the table like an earthquake! I knew there was trouble when I heard the voice get closer and closer. Sometimes I would get the sneak attack from behind with no voice for a warning. Its usually just faint crescendoing footsteps. But with such volume and anger in this voice, I heard booming footsteps….sort of like in the movie Jurassic Park when the T-Rex was chasing the Jeep.
But why does it take a threatening situation such as this for us to respond so quickly. I was always an obedient child ::halo:: but there have been numerous times to where I didn’t react so quickly to a command from my parents. It’s also in those moments to where they probably didn’t say it audibly, but I knew what had to be done. I believe I failed in many areas in my childhood where I did react to things until I was told to do them. I believe the phrase such a behavior is called “delayed disobedience”. I believe I failed many times in my life in general to where I didn’t react so quickly to God’s voice

The greatest example that I could think of that heard “the voice” and quickly reacted to it was David. An amazing life he lived and an even great situation to really learn what it means to be lead to action by God’s voice. David was a wee little Shepard boy and at that time the Israelites where at battle with the Philistines. So David approaches the battle lines to find that the “use-to-be” mighty army of Israel we cowering under the treat of a single, but rather large Philistine by the name of Goliath. David looks back at the army only to find the same pitiful look of defeat on their faces day in and day out. So he was pretty much angry at this sight and wanted to do something about it. But this is the same puny kid that God used to kill a bear and a lion who was harming his sheep. I’m sure you all heard this same story before and know how it ends, but the part I want to bring up is that fact that all the Israelites, probably even the Philistines, couldn’t understand that a little Shepard boy could kill the giant Goliath with a couple stones. It was like a small baby vs Chuck Norris…and the baby wins. Wait wait…I know what your thinking….no one could beat Chuck Norris (which is true)….but for example sake lets say that this little baby beats him. I seem to can’t phantom the idea of that happening but something like that did happen! David lays the smack down on Goliath! How??

I believe the key to David strategy was that he was moved to action by the revelation of God’s ability over the weakness of man held in bondage to an earthly perspective. Maybe its times to where God is calling us to do something great or even something out of our comfort zone. Its times like this to when we become paralyzed by our circumstances. We can sometime defect our own thoughts or goals with fear. But what about when it comes to some immediate things like when God tells us to give a little more, spend more time with me, help your neighbor out, or talk to this person…they need to be heard out? These little things can sometimes be a burden to us all cause we feel like it doesn’t have much of importance as my larger goals do…so why should I do this little thing. Its because God is shaping, molding, and preparing us for what is to come with the time is right. We can call a process like this “developed discipline”.

“Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won’t be faithful in large ones.” 
Luke 16:10a NLT

I have always contemplated on working out again. Lucky for me my metabolism is great….for now at least…(23 years old). Growing up playing a lot of sports and really staying active, I was always working out and running regularly. In high school I played soccer and basketball and I can say that those sports developed a load of discipline in my life. I spent my weeks running at least 4 miles 2x a week. I might’ve had a couple of off weeks but at least I did it other weeks! If I didn’t do anything it would show in my performance on the field and on the court. I go to college thinking this same work ethic would carry over now that I retired from both sports…..no sir! Homework, friends, girls, sleep, and most of all….laziness got to me. I had no reason to workout anymore (except for the ladies at that time of my life). I had no results to show for that, and plus who cared anyways. Well, that same attitude and lack of discipline showed its face in my personal life, my studies, and most importantly….my spiritual life. I lost that excitement I had when I played sports to where I had to show and prove to my coach, teammates, and fans that I could play and be the best player for my team. I had reason for my motivation. And when it comes to my spiritual life….I should too.

This week, well I’ll say Monday night to begin with, me and my roommate were talking about running. And I was like cool, I’m an early riser so I’ll do it in the morning. Never set my alarm and before you know it….it was time for us to go to work. Monday night was the same story but this time I’m thinking that I should just go solo just incase he doesn’t wake up. BUT….I would only do it if God woke me up early enough to do it. Tuesday morning, no alarm clock….I arise at 5:30am. God was waking me up. I did nothing but went back to bed. I was convicted the whole rest of the day. I felt like I should just sit in the corner for the rest of the day for my disobedience….actually, make that 2 more days cause Wednesday and Thursday were all the same stories! Talk about conviction. And it didn’t help to add to the guilt the fact that my lunch and dinner consisted of McDonalds, Sonics, Wendys, and 2 straight nights of Chinese food. So after of whole week of dealing with my sin of disobedience and gluttony, I prayed to God to ask for forgiveness and he gave me one more chance to act on His command. His woke me up at 6:30am with no alarm clock and I quickly jumped to my feet to change into my shorts, t-shirt, hoodie (its cold in Florida?), and my Nike Air Max Trainers. I ran a mile but it felt like 4 miles…and I won’t quote my time cause it was horrible! My parents where track coaches back in the day and if they heard for my lap time they would sock me in the face!

I felt myself getting closer to God this morning…to know that after 3 or 4 failed attempts before I actually responded to God’s voice, He still loves me. Its moments like this to where I know I have a hard head and my discipline is shot and not what it use to be when I was around mommy and daddy. But I’m at the point now to where I hope to some day marry and start a family with the love of my life Ileana and I have to be ready for that. But one thing that I have to realize is that all that discipline and everything else has to start with me. That’s one of the things that I’m praying for now in my life, more discipline…or even re-teach me those things that I have become unfamiliar with or have faded away. I don’t want to wait until those cresendoing footsteps get closer and a hand clocks me upside my head before I do something. But the minute I hear something from God now I will drop whatever it is that I am doing and do it cause I know God has said it for a reason. I may not understand it now but it will show later on when the time comes around. Even if it doesn’t come around I will have had a developed attitude that it will come and I will be ready for it. We may not see or understand things with our simple earthly minds, but when we start to see thing from God’s perspective our spirit and our hearts will be moved to action.

- Brandon 'dash' Brinkley

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