
dashing devo002: "Numb"

Ever had those times or moments to where you learn about yourself? Its weird to say that I know absolutely nothing about myself....in fact its silly! Not to say that I never been in touch with my own self, but its things that I am recognizing now that I've always been numb too.  Its like I've trained myself to be numb or just avoid certain things. Pretty soon its like 2nd nature to just causally go about things not knowing what effect it really has on me.

I remember growing up being a very picky eater….come to think of it…I still am. I was so picky (how picky where you?) I automatically, and without hesitation, turn down types of food that I never tried! Yes it is true...but…I may have not tried the food, but I was certain that I probably won’t like it. I have a strategy to this “condition”; here is my tried and true method on how I break things down:

1) Sight and Smell – If its not pleasing to the eye, there is no way in heck I’m getting near it. If its not love at 1st sight, it’s defiantly not getting a 2nd look!

2) Name of Food – example: aspargus, squid sounds like something that I probably wouldn’t like

3) Origin of Food – Where did it come from?

4) “How did it taste to you?” – What did others think about it

5) Inquiring Comparisons - What does it taste like?

Call me weird, but I smell my food before I eat it and smell milk before I drink it (its true); and if It smells like it does on my plate, surely its not meant be an edible food and therefore it has no place in my appetite. True story.

I wish I took the same method when it came to things in my spiritual life. We can look at what turns God off, sin, and how ugly it is. The things we said that we would never do we eventually ended up doing. We’d say things such as, “Oh, I would never do that! I just couldn’t see myself doing it…it wouldn’t even get that far!” I’m sure we all heard or even stated it ourselves from time to time. But lets be real….if I was really serious about this “blatant guard” then what steps or what ways was I doing to affirm such a statement? And we all been there…. we let our guard down and we find ourselves in the very thing we said we would never get ourselves into. And we sit and wonder how we got there and inside we are hurting and longing for something.

I was there not to long ago…my spiritual life took a huge blow and I was weakened to my knees. It was the things in my life that really started to welt up inside of me that at an early age I began to develop a behavior that ignored those things that will affect me later. But why did I not think about that? How did I not know that years later I will feel very disgusted with the very thing that I am opening myself up too? But as the years went on and situations presented itself I later would say that I hated the person that I’ve become. This is not what God had intended for my life. I want to do whatever God wants me to do in my life now at this moment and time in my life but this thing that I’ve made myself numb to is holding me back and I feel as if I imprisoned myself in bondage. I thought I could fight this all on my own but fighting it alone has gotten to me how I feel now.

We all dealt with pride in various ways. And I’m sure you can agree to the fact that when it takes hold of our spiritual life it can get reeeeeeal ugly! And when that does happen, our life seems to have no limits at all. Everything that we were taught and everything that we learned seemed to be thrown out the window. And yet still wonder, how did I get here? Our life starts to evolve around “what makes me happy now”.

In Luke 15, there are a series of parables that Jesus spoke on. There were 3 in that chapter and all talked about something being lost and then later being found. But with the subject I mainly talking mostly about you can probably figure that the parable of the prodigal son is what’s really on my mind (Luke 15:11-32).

In a nutshell, its basically talking about a father who has 2 sons. Father had the family business running right, the younger one wants his share of the estate (…life savings or whatever…basically a large sum of $$). So the younger son zips of to a distant country and blows all his money. Probably spent it on the finest wine, some bling, a nice whip (…a car lol), drinks for everyone in the club, a bangin house, ya know…the works! The highlife!

Then the economy hits; a huge famine hits the entire country. And I sure there was a water shortage like Florida is now! And everyone is freaking out and he looses all his stuff…repoed car and everything! So he is doing a bunch of odd jobs here and there…actually some of the jobs were a bit humiliating according to the lifestyle he was living in before. I mean, this guys was driving around in a nice car with the hottest girls and the blingest watch. But now he’s feeding pigs; what can you say, he was in need. He could no long afford the lavish lifestyle he was living and his main concern at the time was just to get something to eat for the day. And speaking of eating, he wasn’t really getting feed on and off the clock so he started craving the very slope he was feeding to the pigs! Now that’s gross! So he stated thinking…”I could go back to the family business and work there as a servant. There’s always alotta food for the pigs there. Shooot I can dine with them! Or just maybe the guys who work for my dad can spare me some food...” But also in the mist of all that he really did begin to come to his senses…”I want to go back home, I can’t keep living like this. I have no money and I’m starving..I going confront my father and I will say that I have sinned against heaven and against you (my father). I’m no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired men”

Don’t you see, this guy is completely broken; pride hit him hard. Just to even take on a humiliating job and to crave what the pigs eat because that all he had…wow! How far will living a life with no limits take us. And we all now our possessions (our stuff) will soon won’t last, goes out of style, we grow out of it, gets stolen…but yet we still long for it because it make us happy and fulfills us for the moment.

I urge you to take a look at this story and see for yourself how it ends (Luke 15:11-32).

I really look at stories like these and really see the brokenness in people. We our lives in ways to where God is clearly not pleased but in the end we find that the life we lived left us feeling empty and hurt inside. But who are we kidding, we don’t want others to know that we are hurt so we put on a front and fill voids like everything is okay. We numb ourselves.

Just like a doctor when conducting an operation. He can’t just operate with out numbing the part of the body that is being operated on, that would hurt and be just plain crazy! I wish a doctor wouldn’t numb me up before cut me up! Its just like when there is hurt in us we don’t want to confront it because we are worried about our image and what others think. So in our way of covering it up we numb that pain. The doctor is at work on the procedure and you don’t feel a thing, thank God! But when the procedure is over and you go back home, eventually that numbness starts to wear off and you really begin to feel the pain of what was being operated on. All you want to do at this point is just lie down and not be bothered with hoping that this pain will go away.

Or consider a car when a routine job becomes ignored. It begins to affect other components under the hood. Next thing you know a $20-$40 oil change turns into a $1500-$4000 engine swap. They really mean what they say when they say “See you in 3,000 miles” (if you have not gotten your oil changed yet, I believe the Lord is speaking to you right now!).

What problems in your life are being ignored? What issues or sin have you began to really numb yourself too because you wanted what was best for you? We all longed for immediate gratification and worried about our rep, but as children of God we all should long for holiness and cling to the righteousness of God and His glory. When we look to that, our life will be changed!

God wants you…He is calling for you. He is molding you in the man or woman He has called you to be. We need to humble ourselves to really look to Him and what he has for us according to his plan. We must submit and we must be broken before to kill the prideful life we have always been use to. When I look at brokenness I am always brought to the prayer of the plea for mercy, forgiveness, and cleansing that David cried out to God in Psalms 51. This is when the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. He had various ways he tried to cover it up and at the moment he was successful in doing it. But then Nathan comes along and confronts him (2 Samuel 12) crushing David seeing his actions being brought to light. But during this incident, David cried out to God (Psalms 51), giving valuable insight to his character and really showing his true heart for God. Now we see how important it is to not let sin, hurt, or anything go ignored! Check out the rest of that whole situation in 2 Samuel 12 and on to find out how God responded to this situation that began to unravel itself.

We can’t stay here long. You are probably feeling this way to where your thoughts have trapped you in this cycle and you feel as if you can never get out of it. But God is telling you that you can. God is forgiving and he is calling us to be Holy. Ask for forgiveness and totally turn away from those things that caused you to sin….believe me, you don’t want to go back to the old ways..you will just continue this pattern over and over again. And you will feel the same way over and over again…and for what…the same thing! Its getting old! Cut those things out in your life, seek out accountability, keep yourself spiritually feed and you will no longer crave the things that the world has to offer that draws you back into the numbing that numbing cycle.

1 Corinthians 13:11-12

11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

 - Brandon 'dash' Brinkley